The Center for Internet Security Controls or CISControls have become an industry standard to help businesses and organizations of all sizes to maintain an industry standard of Cybersecurity controls.

Safeguard 3.13 introduces the concept of DLP (Data Loss Prevention) tools to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's sensitive data inventory.

DLP solutions can prevent suspicious attempts to copy or send sensitive data by checking whether the user is authorized to do so. Authentication is also important to validate users' identities and prevent malicious access to critical assets.

Data loss prevention solves three main objectives that are common pain points for enterprises: personal information protection, compliance and intellectual property (IP) protection, and data visibility.

If you are collecting and storing personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), or payment card information (PCI) you likely fall under a requirement to protect this sensitive data for your customers.

DLP is not new, but as compliance requirements evolve it is becoming more of a conversation and more businesses are finding the requirement to implement a DLP solution.

You may not need a DLP solution today (there are many on the market), but the reality is you will at some point. Safeguards 3.13 and 3.14 are the two safeguards inside control 3 that are required for Implementation Group 3.

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